Idiomas: Selecciona

Año: Selecciona

Characterization of child labor in the canton of Limón, Costa Rica

11 de June de 2021

The objective of this study is to provide empirical evidence that allows identifying the main risk factors to determine priority areas of the Limón canton in which local interventions are designed and established to accelerate the prevention and elimination of child labor.

Implementation of Child Labor Risk Models in nine Latin American and Caribbean countries

26 de March de 2021

This document systematizes the implementation of risk models in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico and Peru, with the aim of highlighting the experience and providing elements for future applications. The document describes the processes and actions carried out from the conception of the idea to its execution, identifying the challenges, learning and good practices of the process in each country.

Acceso al agua para reducir el trabajo infantil en zonas rurales

18 de March de 2021

Este estudio aporta una serie de recomendaciones de diseño e implementación de políticas públicas y coordinación entre los actores institucionales involucrados para prevenir y erradicar el trabajo infantil, y promover el trabajo decente entre los agricultores familiares.

Design and implement local surveys to identify children and adolescents at risk or in child labor in the territories indicated by the MIRTI

15 de March de 2021

This guide aims to provide practical guidelines and instruments to collect information on children and adolescents in child labor or at risk, and on the main characteristics of their families in the territories indicated by the Child Labor Risk Identification Model (MIRTI ) locally.

The guide is aimed at city councils or local governments of the countries that have implemented MIRTI.

Gender strategy of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor

08 de March de 2021

The gender strategy of the Regional Initiative is focused on the specific area of ​​child labor, with the aim of adequately protecting children and adolescents, addressing the barriers they face in a different way, and meeting their needs and strategic interests for their growth.

Analysis of the process of preparation and application of hazardous work lists in Latin America and the Caribbean

04 de March de 2021

Based on the analysis of the hazardous work listings process in Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic, this document aims to identify technical criteria to optimize and strengthen the use of this tool within the framework of public policies, the application of current regulations and the protection of the rights of children and adolescents.

Characterization of child labor in the municipality of Villa Victoria, Mexico

11 de December de 2020

The objective of this study is to provide empirical evidence that allows identifying the main local risk factors to determine priority areas of the municipality in which local interventions are designed and established to accelerate the prevention and elimination of child labor.

Report - VI Annual Meeting of Focal Points of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor

06 de November de 2020

Held from October 27 to 30, 2020. The Network of Focal Points of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor met for the sixth consecutive year, this time virtually, to agree on its response plan to the crisis of COVID-19, and to prepare its incidence in the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor (2021).

The link between migration and child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean

02 de October de 2020

It presents ten public policy recommendations to prevent and eradicate child labor in migrant children and adolescents. 

The COVID-19 pandemic could increase child labor in Costa Rica

30 de September de 2020

In recent years, Costa Rica has managed to reduce child labor thanks to sustained action and shared efforts between governments, employers 'and workers' organizations, civil society, and international cooperation. However, the current crisis could reverse the positive trends observed and place the country in a more difficult position than that registered before the crisis to meet the target 8.7 of the SDGs, which refers to “ending child labor in all its forms between now and 2025 ”.