Idiomas: Selecciona

Año: Selecciona

Mapping of programs, competencies and coordination spaces regarding child labor in the municipality of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico

21 de November de 2019

Document prepared as part of the results of the application of Phase II of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model (MIRTI) in the municipality of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas (Mexico), aimed at the design, adoption and / or strengthening and implementation of local preventive responses to child labor. 

Prevention of child labor in situations of crisis and fragility (Chiapas, Mexico)

21 de November de 2019

Informative document on the crises generated by extreme natural phenomena in populations, in particular in labor markets and in the dynamics of their most vulnerable members, including children and adolescents. The issue is linked to the earthquake that occurred in Chiapas in 2017 and to the increase in child labor in a situation of crisis and fragility. Likewise, it highlights the key role of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model (MIRTI) in determining the territories that require a differentiated intervention to mitigate the risk of child labor in disaster contexts. 

Characterization of child labor in the municipality of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico

21 de November de 2019

This document is part of the results of the application of Phase II of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model (MIRTI), a tool developed by the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Initiative free of child labor, with the support of the ILO and ECLAC. Phase II corresponds to the design of local preventive responses and work is currently being done in Tuxtla Gutiérrez to design and / or adjust multisectoral interventions in the territory, with the aim of strengthening protection services against child labor and reducing the risks of exposure to children. boys, girls and adolescents.

Summary of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model in Peru

13 de September de 2019

It provides the main characteristics of child labor in Peru and the actions that are being implemented for the prevention and eradication of this reality, among them the Child Labor Risk Identification Model (MIRTI), developed by the Regional Initiative -in coordination with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) - in order to support countries so that they have a tool that allows them to target the occurrence of child labor in their territory, and promote appropriate informed and articulated policy decisions on the matter.

Municipal model for the detection and eradication of child labor

12 de September de 2019

Proposal of the Ministry of Labor and Promotion of Employment of Peru for local governments. It consists of the incorporation of criteria for the identification of child labor in the regular work of municipal inspection of establishments, businesses and premises that are within the municipal jurisdiction. It constitutes a concrete action by the State to comply with ILO Conventions No. 138 and no. 182, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Migration and child labor, Honduras 2019

14 de June de 2019

Document prepared by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in conjunction with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (SRECI) of Honduras. It addresses the issue of returned unaccompanied migrant children, the relationship with their families and child labor. It aims to provide support information for humanitarian management and the development of knowledge-based public policies.

Child labor in agriculture

13 de June de 2019

Primer prepared by the Offside technical team: Marking the field! (ILO Argentina). It contains essential information on child labor in Argentina, as well as a brief characterization of child labor in rural areas and the impacts it causes on schooling. 

Strategy for a Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor by 2025

06 de March de 2019

Infographic on the Child Labor Risk Identification Model, a tool developed by the Regional Initiative, with the support of ILO and ECLAC, to design and implement preventive strategies for child labor with impact at the local level.

There are alternatives for children and adolescents in the countryside: let's eradicate child labor in agriculture

20 de February de 2019

The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) carried out a joint analysis on child and adolescent labor in agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean, through which it was possible to obtain an updated image of the sector and its main characteristics, as well as identifying a series of recommendations to improve the public and private response to the persistence of the use of children and adolescents in this productive sector, considered one of the most dangerous worldwide .

Addressing child labor in the coffee supply chain in Honduras

19 de February de 2019

This publication is part of the project “El café de Honduras Sí complies”, which aims to design and implement a social compliance system to prevent and eradicate child labor and promote acceptable working conditions for men and women in the supply chain. of coffee.