Idiomas: Selecciona

Año: Selecciona

Promises made at the IV World Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labor

23 de January de 2018

During the IV World Conference, participants were invited to make public and voluntary pledges that describe the concrete actions they will undertake, in line with the Declaration of Buenos Aires, to advance towards the achievement of Target 8.7 of the SDGs. This document sets out the 96 pledges made by governments, regional groups, workers 'and employers' organizations, United Nations agencies, international organizations, and civil society.

Buenos Aires Declaration on Child Labor, Forced Labor and Youth Employment

20 de January de 2018

The Declaration of Buenos Aires calls for the adoption of a series of principles and actions to put an end to child labor and forced labor, and to promote quality youth employment, taking into account three areas: i) Policy and governance; ii) Knowledge, data and supervision; iii) Alliances and innovation. 

Migration and child labor in Guatemala - Report 2017

20 de December de 2017

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Secretariat for Social Welfare of the Presidency (SBS) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) presented this new study with the aim of providing a clearer picture on the forms of work and the Main characteristics of unaccompanied migrant working children. Through it, it is expected to promote the design of policy measures aimed at improving care and support in the reintegration of returnees, as well as preventing irregular migration of children and adolescents.

Combating child labor through vocational training for vulnerable young people in the south (2015-2017)

25 de November de 2017

Through an innovative intervention model, the project contributes to the prevention and removal of child laborers, particularly in domestic work, and secondly facilitates their access to accelerated vocational training, certified educational programs and provides professional experience (as an intern, or through apprenticeship or regular employment, for children aged 14 to 17).

South-South and Triangular Cooperation: An effective way to fight against child labor and train young people (2006-2017)

25 de November de 2017

This cooperative partnership was based on the exchange of experiences around the successful Brazilian program - Me encontrei - which aimed to remove children from the worst forms of work and vulnerable young people through vocational training, skills in daily life and experience through internships and apprenticeships.

ILO good practice: The elimination of child labor and the socio-economic integration of vulnerable young people through vocational training in Haiti

25 de November de 2017

Millions of young Haitians of working age cannot find a way to decent work and risk social exclusion. Young Haitians without qualifications are the most affected by the employment crisis, while young people leaving school or university often have inadequate training in relation to the demand and needs of the labor market. .

A trap for equality. Child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean

30 de October de 2017

This document explains the degree to which boys and girls in Latin America and the Caribbean are affected differently by child labor according to their gender, territory, social class, age, race and ethnicity, characteristics classified in the study as structural axes of inequality.

Unionism of the Americas and the fight against child labor

30 de October de 2017

Main strategic axes related to the fight against child labor, contained in the Resolutions of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (CSA), in the Development Platform of the Americas (PLADA), and articulated with the strategy and action plan of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Child labor, forced labor and youth employment. Perspectives and Actions of Unionism in the Americas

30 de October de 2017

Synthesis and systematization of the contributions made in the subregional union activities of 2016 and 2017, including those made at the Preparatory Meeting of the Americas (Buenos Aires, February 2017). Likewise, the document presents the perspectives and strategies of the national organizations and the regional directorates of the international union federations participating in this cycle, and the identification of some serious cases of child labor. 

Magnitude and characteristics of adolescent child labor in Costa Rica - 2016 Report

26 de October de 2017

The report analyzes the main findings obtained in the child labor module incorporated in the 2016 National Household Survey (ENAHO), carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Costa Rica between July and August 2016.