Reaching target 8.7 of the 2030 Agenda will impact the achievement of eight SDGs

12 de January de 2017

ILO: ending child labor demands joint and coordinated action between different sectors and development actors.

An analysis carried out by the International Labor Organization (ILO) on child labor and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) shows that there is an interrelation and interdependence of target 8.7, in its dimension referring to “putting an end to child and dangerous labor… ”, With 35 other goals of the 2030 Agenda associated with eight SDGs: Quality education (SDG 4); Gender equality (SDG 5); End of poverty (SDG 1); Reduction of inequalities (SDG 10); Zero hunger (ODS 2); Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16); Health and well-being (SDG 3) and Climate action (SDG 13).

The criteria to establish the degree of linkage / interdependence between the goals was:

  • Identify direct ways of reciprocal incidence between target 8.7 and the other SDGs based on an analysis of thematic correlations.
  • Each goal identified as “of direct incidence” is considered an impact on the relationship between child labor and the objective that contains it. 

The report  “Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards the first generation free of child labor. An integrated and interdependent reading of the 2030 Agenda in light of target 8.7 ”,  reflects the position of the ILO to accelerate the reduction of child labor in the region and provides elements for the definition of better policies, programs and services that allow progress towards the achievement of the SDGs.

According to the report, the 2030 Agenda requires that actions for the fulfillment of the SDGs be coordinated, joint and articulated between different sectors, as this will make it possible for the results to be truly lasting and sustainable in the region.

For example, tripartite action (government, employers 'and workers' organizations) has been key during the last 20 years to reduce the number of children and adolescents who work. Along these lines, it is necessary and urgent that governments, organizations and civil society identify, evaluate and integrate their best interventions in the different areas of development to achieve greater impact.

The report offers a characterization of child and adolescent labor, presents the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a framework for international cooperation and global development, and analyzes the interlinking of target 8.7 with other SDGs and their targets. and a set of messages is offered as a reflection for action.

To achieve the goal by 2025, it will be necessary, among others, to reduce poverty, improve education, promote gender equality and implement social protection policies.




Likewise, the ILO encourages the institutions and actors involved in monitoring the 2030 Agenda to complement this analysis with new studies to cover other goals and deepen the interrelation, in order to have criteria to design more articulated and comprehensive responses.

To download the full report and / or the executive summary, go to the following links:

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