Cancun Declaration - III Meeting of Ibero-American Ministers of Labor

18 de December de 2014

On November 25 and 26, 2014, the III Meeting of Ibero-American Ministers of Labor took place in the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. As part of the results of said meeting, the Cancun Declaration was issued . In it, the Regional Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor is welcomed (paragraph 10), as an example of joint efforts to accelerate the fight against child labor:

10. To welcome the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor adopted at the 18th American Regional Meeting of the International Labor Organization held on October 14, 2014 in Lima, Peru, as an example of joint efforts to accelerate the fight against child labor.

The “Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor” is a commitment assumed by the countries of the region to accelerate the rate of eradication of child labor. As an innovative cooperation instrument, it seeks to consolidate and make sustainable what has been advanced, ensuring the full exercise of the rights of children and adolescents in the region.

In September 2014, the focal points of 22 countries, and representatives of employers and workers met for three days in Brasilia to:

  • Define the structure and management model of the Initiative

  • Agree on the 2014-2015 work plan of the Initiative

  • Consolidate the Network of Focal Points as the work team responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Initiative

Below you can see a summary of the main objectives that were established in its Work Plan 2014 - 2015:



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