Latin American advances in educational coverage must be complemented with quality education

24 de September de 2016

Proposals to reinforce progress in education

The Commission for Quality Education for All presented in Argentina the report "Building a Quality Education: a pact with the future of Latin America." The presentation was made by former presidents Ricardo Lagos (Chile) and Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico), who together with 12 other leaders from the different countries of the region are members of the Commission, an initiative promoted by Inter-American Dialogue with the aim of promoting an educational change of value for Latin America and the Caribbean.

At present, several Latin American countries have been presenting important improvements in the educational aspect, such as increased enrollment and school attendance; However, this still does not reflect a change in the students' learning levels, as evidenced by the low results obtained by young schoolchildren in international assessments.

Likewise, this level of progress has not yet affected the level of competitiveness of the countries of the region, since the current educational program does not develop in students the skills required to enter the labor market and generates low productive human resources and disadvantage.

Faced with this situation, the Commission has proposed a series of priorities focused on improving educational quality and promoting greater proposals and political actions that the countries of the region must take into account in order to continue advancing in the educational system.

The six proposed lines of action

1. Work on early childhood development

2. Promote teaching excellence

3. Implement adequate learning evaluation systems

4. Include new technologies

5. Provide a relevant education

6. Financing for the achievement of results 

In its first part, the report presents and analyzes the situation of education in Latin America, both its progress and its weaknesses. In the second, it proposes  reforms in six areas of educational policy  to generate a sustainable transformation of the educational system that is for the real benefit of the population and the future of the countries. Finally, in the third part, it calls for a sustainable social pact in which all actors commit to generating change through the designation of financial, human and political resources for the implementation of educational reforms and innovations that promote equity. in the countries.

To read the full report, go to:

The value of quality education in the fight against child labor

One of the key factors to separate children and adolescents from child labor is to give them access to education, but it is important to emphasize that it must be of quality and provide the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to ensure an adequate transition from school to school. work that allows young people to find quality jobs, protected and in which they can be productive.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, more than 95% of girls and boys between 7 and 13 years old attend basic education, but at age 15 this percentage drops to 85%, showing a decrease in school attendance in the secondary stage. For this reason, it is also necessary for young students to consider that the learning acquired in school is useful for their future, otherwise the great risk that they will abandon their studies persists when they find the training space in the early insertion to the labor market they require and a subsistence alternative for their homes.

Learn about the commitment made by the Member Countries of the United Nations in the framework of  Sustainable Development Goal 4 . 

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