Idiomas: Selecciona

Año: Selecciona

Good practices: combating child labor in the world

24 de August de 2016

This publication, the product of the Third World Conference on Child Labor (Brazil, 2013), offers a compilation of good practices in matters of Education and training, national legislation and its application, social protection, policies for the labor market, public policies and peoples natives.

Five keys to accelerating the reduction of child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean

24 de August de 2016

Document in which the dimensions of effectiveness and impact, results achieved, efficiency, sustainability and replicability of 15 evaluation reports of programs and / or projects (subregional and national) oriented to the prevention and eradication of child labor, implemented in 15 countries in the region between 2005 and 2015, and 15 reports evaluating the impact of public programs from 11 countries in the region, with objectives related to combating poverty, increasing and improving school enrollment and retention, aspects valued to determine their effects on the prevention and elimination of child labor.

They grow, you too: the eradication of child labor, an investment with great benefits

24 de August de 2016

The purpose of this study is to estimate the costs and benefits of investing in the eradication of child labor in the Latin American and Caribbean region for the next decade (2015-2025). The costs are valued based on a strategy to increase school coverage, accompanied by conditional cash transfers and direct intervention to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. Likewise, this methodology values ​​the economic advantages of a more educated and healthy population. 

Declaration of the Constitution of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor

20 de August de 2016

In October 2014, during the 18th American Regional Meeting of the ILO, the Ministers of Labor from 24 countries signed the Charter of the Regional Initiative. Subsequently, the document has been signed by Haiti, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda and St. Kitts & Nevis, adding to date 30 member countries.

We accompany the first generation free of child labor

21 de July de 2016

Informative material that narrates the situation of child labor in the region and the proposal of the Regional Initiative to achieve the first generation free of child labor in 2025.

Caring for the present, ensuring the future: fighting child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean

07 de June de 2016

Informative material that explains what child labor consists of, who it affects, what it generates and the actions that the ILO has taken, from the IPEC program, to respond to this reality.

Final report of results achieved in the First Roundtable on South-South Cooperation

05 de May de 2016

In July 2015, the Regional Initiative convened the First Roundtable on South-South Cooperation to accelerate the reduction of child labor. 22 of the member countries attended the meeting and 82 agreements were reached: 60 expressions of interest; 17 definitions of commitment and 5 announcements of agreement related to acceleration factors (indigenous communities, education, agriculture, value chain, migration, youth employment, decentralization and new information technologies).

Memory of the First Roundtable on South-South Cooperation

04 de May de 2016

In July 2015, the Regional Initiative convened the First Roundtable on South-South Cooperation to accelerate the reduction of child labor. 22 of the member countries attended the event. 

Universal child allowance - María del Pilar Rey-Méndez

14 de March de 2016

Universal child allowance