Idiomas: Selecciona

Año: Selecciona

On the route of illusions: adolescent migrant workers aged 14-17 years in the countries of the Northern Triangle of Central America

21 de December de 2016

The objective of the study "On the path of illusions" is to contribute to closing the information gap, providing first-hand insights into the situation of adolescent migrant workers. This information has been obtained directly from the key actors: policy operators, their users and recipients.

Recommendation on Education and Child Labor

08 de November de 2016

Within the framework of the MERCOSUR Seminar: "Education and Child Labor", the delegations present from the MERCOSUR States Parties agreed to submit to the Executing Unit of the MERCOSUR Regional Plan for the prevention of Child Labor this recommendation for subsequent treatment in the Subgroup of Job 10: "Labor Relations, Employment and Social Security".

Magnitude and characteristics of child labor in Peru: 2015 Report

04 de November de 2016

This report analyzed the National Household Survey (ENAHO) (years 2012 to 2015) and the Child Labor Survey (ETI) of 2015. Its objectives are to determine the magnitude and characteristics of economic activity (employment rates, child labor, hazardous work, risk of forced labor) and analyze time use patterns (participation in economic activities, school attendance, and participation in domestic chores at home) of children aged 5 to 17 years.

Explanatory factors for the reduction of child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean 2000-2012

17 de October de 2016

Document that identifies and analyzes the explanatory factors for the reduction of child labor in the region and contributes to the construction of innovative intervention proposals to strengthen the accelerating framework proposed by the Regional Initiative to achieve the goal by the year 2025.

Strategy to accelerate the reduction of child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2025

17 de October de 2016

This strategy proposes two approaches: one for prevention and the other for protection. The prevention approach seeks to achieve the first generation free of child labor in 2025, avoiding the incorporation into work of new children and adolescents below the minimum age for admission to employment, as well as the engagement of adolescents, of work, in dangerous activities. The protection approach seeks to restore the rights of children and adolescents who are in a situation of child labor.

ILO / IOE Guidance Tool on Child Labor for Businesses

12 de October de 2016

Guide created by the ILO and the IOE, in collaboration with Shift (a non-profit entity), where various experiences of the private sector are mentioned to address the issue of child labor in their activities and value chains. Its objective is to help companies comply with the diligence requirements established in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in this case in relation to child labor.

Framework Document - Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor

09 de October de 2016

The Regional Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor is a commitment by the countries of the region to accelerate the rate of eradication of child labor. In turn, it represents an innovative cooperation instrument to consolidate and make sustainable what has been advanced, ensuring the full exercise of the rights of children and adolescents in the region.

Promoting decent work in global supply chains in Latin America and the Caribbean

07 de September de 2016

Document that sets out the main problems, good practices, lessons learned and political vision on the subject.

What we need to know about migrant children and child labor in Central America

26 de August de 2016

This document briefly presents and analyzes the migratory phenomenon of children and adolescents from the Northern Triangle of Central America and its link to child labor. It reports on the factors that drive this migration, some indicators of vulnerability and risks for this population and mentions some institutional responses to influence the prevention of child labor in this area.

Memory of the Forum of experts on child labor and migrant children in Central America and Mexico

26 de August de 2016

This document includes what was developed in the "Forum  of experts on child labor and migrant children in Central America and Mexico", convened by the ILO between July  27 and 29 , 2016. The event was  attended by Ministries of Labor, Organizations of Employers and Workers, together with other State actors, various agencies of the United Nations (UN), Non-Governmental Organizations and experts on the subject, with the aim of highlighting and analyzing the link between child labor, its worst forms and the migratory flows of children and adolescents in the Northern Triangle and the Southern Triangle of Central America.